Contact center market leader NICE Ltd. used the recent Enterprise Connect show to add to its artificial intelligence portfolio with the release of Enlighten XM (Experience Memory), which adds AI-infused contextual memory to the contact center.

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NICE announces brings contextual memory to contact center AI

Amazon Web Services Inc. Today announced several enhancements to its contact-center-as-a-service product, Amazon Connect, at the Enterprise Connect 24 in Orlando. Prior to the event, I was given a preview of the announcements in a prebriefing with two senior managers of product management for Amazon Connect — Himanshu Suri and Trevor Bloking.

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AWS brings third-party apps, no-code chat experiences, AI-powered contact summaries to Amazon Connect

The communications industry’s largest show, the annual Enterprise Connect being held this week in Orlando, Florida, is a “who’s who” of unified communications and contact center providers as they unveil their latest and greatest innovations.

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Avaya simplifies its product names and aligns with Zoom

With the AI boom in full throttle, there has been no trade show in recent memory that I can recall more eagerly anticipated than Nvidia Corp.’s GTC 2024. After five years of being virtual, the event returned to an in-person format, adding to the excitement.

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Key takeaways from Nvidia GTC 2024

As Nvidia Corp.‘s annual developer conference GTC kicked off this week in San Jose, the company made its usual flurry of product announcements, the highlight of which was the long-awaited Blackwell platform. One might look at Blackwell as a graphics processing unit, but in reality, it’s more than that, hence the “platform” descriptor.

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Nvidia releases Blackwell platform to go back to the future, extends partnership with AWS for scale