There should be no doubt that hybrid work is here to stay. We are more than two years since the work-from-home period of the pandemic began and businesses have been all over the map with respect to what the return to work looks like. Earlier this year, I was part of UC Today’s UC Summit Keynote, where I stated that the first wave of hybrid work would be a disaster because most business are at a loss as how to proceed.

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Cisco rethinks office space design to optimize for hybrid work

The past two years have brought a significant amount of societal change, including the way we work. This shift in lifestyle to one that is largely digital also brought about a surge in cyberattacks, which rose in both frequency and complexity last year, with several threats causing concern among industry experts into 2022.

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Cisco: Complexity and number of cyberattacks jumped in 2021

F5 Inc., a leader in application delivery controllers, today announced its new software-as-a-service Distributed Cloud Services platform.

The new solution is the coming together of several acquisitions, including Volterra and Shape Security. Network functions include cloud load balancing, multicloud networking, cloud-native edge computing services and a Kubernetes gateway.

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F5 launches distributed cloud services platform