Zoomtopia 2022 is now in the books, and it was nice to see the event run in a hybrid format with an in-person component after two years of being virtual only. Beyond the return of an in-person event, it’s hard to overstate just how much has changed with Zoom since 2019, the date of the last in-person Zoomtopia. The company closed its fiscal 2019 with $540 million in revenue and was a video-only company. Today, its revenue is a shade over $4 billion, and it has expanded its products to include phone, contact center, events, webinars, and more services.

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Zoomtopia 2022 Final Thoughts: Zoom Sets Up Further Growth

Digital transformation (DX) looks different for every company, but in essence, it involves integrating digital technologies into all areas of the business.

The key to DX is to drive fundamental change and transform how a company operates. Newgen Software recently surveyed 300 senior business and IT leaders in large enterprises around the world to understand where they are currently in their DX journey. The findings were published in Newgen’s 2022 State of Digital Transformation Research.

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Study: Digital Transformation Is Ubiquitous Yet Challenges Remain

The data processing unit (DPU) is a relatively new technology that offloads processing-intensive tasks from the CPU onto a separate “card” in the server. I put “card” in quotes as that’s the form factor but in reality, a DPU is a mini server on board that’s highly optimized for network, storage, and management tasks.

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Understanding the Power Benefits of Data Processing Units

Hot off a “beat and raise” quarter last week, Arista Networks Inc. Nov. 3 announced its continuous integration or CI pipeline for improved network as a service automation.

The new service is built on Arista’s recently announced EOS Network Data Lake. NetDL brings together its Network DataBase information and combines it with other data sources such as internet, application and user data.

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Arista’s continuous integration pipeline brings cloud principles to the network

Healthcare professionals use electronic medical record (EMR) systems to keep track of billing, manage patients, and maintain records of medications. However, physicians and nurses spend too much time daily inputting data into EMR systems.

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Robotic Process Automation Accelerates the Digitization of Healthcare