The concept of DevSecOps is simple: By integrating security into the DevOps process, businesses introduce security earlier in the software development lifecycle, enabling cyber protection to “shift left,” reducing risks and eliminating costly rework.

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Zscaler integration with Hashicorp enables DevSecOps to automate security posture

Ransomware attacks have grown by 80% year-over-year, as they continue to evolve in tactics and scope.

The findings come from Zscaler Inc.’s newly released ThreatLabz 2022 Ransomware Report, which uncovered a record number of attacks that have increased both in volume and the cost of damages.

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New Zscaler report finds ransomware continues to run amok

The past two years have brought a significant amount of societal change, including the way we work. This shift in lifestyle to one that is largely digital also brought about a surge in cyberattacks, which rose in both frequency and complexity last year, with several threats causing concern among industry experts into 2022.

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Cisco: Complexity and number of cyberattacks jumped in 2021

F5 Inc., a leader in application delivery controllers, today announced its new software-as-a-service Distributed Cloud Services platform.

The new solution is the coming together of several acquisitions, including Volterra and Shape Security. Network functions include cloud load balancing, multicloud networking, cloud-native edge computing services and a Kubernetes gateway.

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F5 launches distributed cloud services platform