illustration of people and puzzle pieces

Recently, I attended the Talkdesk 2021 Customer Contact Week (CCW) event in Las Vegas. I participated in a panel titled “The Contact Center as a Revenue Engine.” Kathie Johnson, chief marketing officer (CMO), Talkdesk, moderated the panel that also included Kurt Mosher, chief operating officer (COO) Gant Travel, and Paulo Silva, senior vice president (SVP) of Alorica. I was interested in participating in this session because it addresses a trend I’ve followed for the better part of the past two years—the integration of sales and service.

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Don’t Pin Sales and Service Against Each Other: Integrate

Despite the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is taking place in Las Vegas this week, returning to a live format after a year off. The live presentation is somewhat ironic in an event where virtual reality, the metaverse, autonomous vehicles, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are taking center stage.

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At CES 2022, Nvidia sets the stage for AI everywhere

In late 2021, Avaya launched its Experience Builders community, which brings together partners, customers, developers, and any other constituent that leverages its platform to create unique experiences. In the past, Avaya’s DevConnect developer program would handle creating these experiences, but now, it has solutions beyond just APIs. For example, end users can leverage Avaya’s low-code/no-code interface to create an experience that’s unique to their needs instead of having to modify their workflows around a stock interface.

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Avaya Engage Shines Spotlight on Experience Builders

Over the holiday break, the onetime king of mobile, BlackBerry, issued a post reminding users that as of January 4, 2022, Classic BlackBerry devices will no longer function – including the ability to make 911 calls.

The decommissioning of these devices is another milestone in the long, slow demise of a company that ruled the mobile universe. But, as the Coldplay song, Viva la Vida goes, their castle stood on “pillars of salt and pillars of sand,” or in this case, legacy mindset.

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The End of BlackBerry Classic: IT Pros, Always Evaluate Your Vendors