The shift toward hybrid work is more than a trend; it transforms how we view and value the workplace. Employers and employees alike are navigating this new terrain, balancing the appeal of in-person collaboration with the autonomy of remote work. Despite the positives, there is a notable gap between employee expectations for the office environment to support hybrid workspaces and the current state of office readiness.

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Report: Europeans Return To The Office But Hybrid Workspaces Need Modernization

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping business operations, from network troubleshooting and cybersecurity to customer service and communications. As investment in AI reaches new heights, organizations must weigh its benefits against cost, environmental impact, ethical concerns, and implementation challenges.

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Businesses Investing in AI: An Industry Perspective

Behind the scenes, today’s IT network infrastructure plays a highly significant role in making sure that fans of the National Football League enjoy a great experience during games. To learn more about that, I recently spoke with Chip Suttles, VP of Technology for the Seattle Seahawks. We met at the team’s home turf, Lumen Field, known as CenturyLink Field before the rebranding by Lumen Technologies.

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Seattle Seahawks Network Innovation: Redefining Stadium Connectivity

Recently, Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) made major business tech news when it announced its intent to acquire Juniper Networks for $14B. This move brings together two of the larger “ABC” – also known as Anything But Cisco – and shakes up a networking industry long overdue for consolidation.

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Juniper Networks Acquisition by HPE: 5 Key Insights

In its CES 2024 blog, NVIDIA characterized its announcements as “A Launching Pad for Generative AI” – fitting, as 2023 was certainly the year that Gen AI became mainstream. I wanted to see what NVIDIA has coming. Arguably no company is more important to advancing AI than the chip giant. As critical as Intel was to the PC era, NVIDIA will play a similar role for AI.

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NVIDIA Steps on the AI Gas at CES 2024