With its fiscal first-quarter earnings reported Wednesday, networking giant Cisco Systems Inc. started off the year with a bang.

Cisco’s numbers are always an important industry litmus test because it’s the biggest networking vendor and has the broadest portfolio. How their quarter goes is a general indicator for the direction of the network, collaboration, service provider spending and security.

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Top takeaways from Cisco’s ‘beat and raise’ first-quarter earnings

Phishing attacks—where hackers try to collect personal information using deceptive emails and links—continue to impact organizations of all sizes.

It’s been well documented that phishing as an attack vector has exploded over the past several years. SlashNext reported that over the first six months of 2022, there were over 255M attacks, a 61% increase in the rate of phishing attacks compared to 2021.

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Understanding the Business Costs of Phishing Attacks

Artificial intelligence promises to revolutionize almost all industries, but one of the use cases where it can have a significant impact is the slow and error-prone processing of medical images.

Yet AI in radiology hasn’t been broadly adopted because of the complexity of clinical workflows and the lack of industry standards. In fact, according to Nvidia Corp., 99% of medical imaging AI applications never make it to patients because they can’t be deployed at large scale.

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Nuance and Nvidia partner to improve medical imaging

The shift from human to digital is well underway, as businesses are looking to create new ways to interact with customers that will create a differentiated customer experience (CX). Companies of all sizes and in all verticals are feeling the pressure to digitize as CX is now the top brand differentiator — outweighing price, product quality, and all other factors. For most organizations, the contact center is where CX starts, which is why there has been so much investment in modernizing this area over the past few years.

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Talkdesk Builder Enables Businesses to Create Bespoke Experiences

Zoomtopia 2022 is now in the books, and it was nice to see the event run in a hybrid format with an in-person component after two years of being virtual only. Beyond the return of an in-person event, it’s hard to overstate just how much has changed with Zoom since 2019, the date of the last in-person Zoomtopia. The company closed its fiscal 2019 with $540 million in revenue and was a video-only company. Today, its revenue is a shade over $4 billion, and it has expanded its products to include phone, contact center, events, webinars, and more services.

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Zoomtopia 2022 Final Thoughts: Zoom Sets Up Further Growth