There should be no doubt that hybrid work is here to stay. We are more than two years since the work-from-home period of the pandemic began and businesses have been all over the map with respect to what the return to work looks like. Earlier this year, I was part of UC Today’s UC Summit Keynote, where I stated that the first wave of hybrid work would be a disaster because most business are at a loss as how to proceed.

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Cisco rethinks office space design to optimize for hybrid work

The terms hybrid work and remote work are used interchangeably, but they’re fundamentally very different.

Remote works refers to all employees working from home, as was the case at the start of COVID-19. Hybrid work can describe a scenario where no one is in the office, everyone is in the office, and every possible combination in-between. The latter is becoming more common post-pandemic, as organizations figure out the most effective work methods.

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Collaboration Platforms Are Critical To Successful Hybrid Work

Every organization today is going through some type of transformation to leverage digital technology. But what does this digital transformation look like when it comes to applications and network design in a post-COVID world?

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The Role of Secure Access Service Edge in Digital Transformation

The past two years have brought a significant amount of societal change, including the way we work. This shift in lifestyle to one that is largely digital also brought about a surge in cyberattacks, which rose in both frequency and complexity last year, with several threats causing concern among industry experts into 2022.

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Cisco: Complexity and number of cyberattacks jumped in 2021

There is perhaps no hotter current topic in networking than private 5G (P5G). Finally, a wireless technology that’s as fast as wired networks but without the flakiness of Wi-Fi.

I’m certainly not suggesting that Wi-Fi is going away, as the low-cost relative to P5G and its near ubiquity make it ideal for general purpose connectivity. But if ultra-reliable, wireless connectivity is required, P5G is the only way.

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Deployment Options Are Coming For Private 5G